Management Organizational Analytics:

Trusted Data to Provide the Insight to

Improve Performance and Employee Experience Simultaneously

The HA  Management Organizational Analytics Platform provides the information that leaders and organizations need to improve employee experience, culture and overall performance.  Also known by many users as M.O. Analytics as, in practice, it assists managers with a data driven approach to understanding the M.O. of their people i.e. those key areas that influence behaviors (motivations, attitudes, natural tendencies, stress management, preferences…)

Online interactive dashboards give visibility and provide decision support on individual employees, on departments, on project teams, on affinity teams (those in a leadership development program or an onboarding class, for example) and on the entire organization.

Online interactive dashboards give visibility and provide decision support on individual employees, on departments, on project teams, on affinity teams (those in a leadership development program or an onboarding class, for example) and on an entire organization.  There are many ways that this capability can be put to use to give you predictive accuracy and insight like nothing else currently available. Here is a list of a the most common ways that organizations make use of these capabilities

  • To retain top talent by understanding what is important to individuals and groups

  • To create employee experience strategies for all levels of the organization

  • To develop leaders' capability to engage and retain top talent

  • To generate detailed individual and team engagement reports to assesses development and succession needs (talent planning)

  • To assess your organizational culture and discover risk areas

  • To measure Senior and Emerging Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Collaborative, Remote Worker, Remote Manager, Inclusive Leader and other competencies.

  • To gain insight into the specific set of behaviors that impact each competency

  • To implement actionable development plans that provide guidance and a means for tracking progress and generating enthusiasm while building self-awareness, team awareness, leadership effectiveness and job fulfillment

If you can't measure it, you can't change it.   Peter Drucker     ♦«»♦    What gets measured gets done.   Tom Peters

In God we trust; all others bring data.   W. Edwards Deming