Is your organization PEOPLE READY? 

That is, do you have the right people, in the right role, doing the right stuff? And are you prepared when things change (people leave …)

This is about making effective decisions now and being prepared to make them as you are faced with change and it's about having the right resources in place.

No matter what you call it, succession planning, talent planning, talent readiness, leadership development… to make these decisions and put the right resources in place, you need the same thing you need to make good decisions of any kind - accurate relevant information.

What do you need an accurate (optimal) understanding of?


  • Your key people's performance

  • Why they perform the way they do (this has a lot to do with potential)

  • What they "WANT to be"

  • What will be the forces for and the forces against them developing and maintaining the capabilities to…

Future People

  • Key Leadership Skills

    • The shift from complicated to complex decision making

    • The increasing pace of unpredictable change necessitating growth leadership mindset

    • Leading inclusively in an interconnected diverse skills-based labor market

    • Leading in an artificial intelligence assisted workforce

  • Key Technical Skills



Current Business/Markets

  • Internal

  • External Influences

Future Business/Markets

  • Internal

  • External Influences (Economic, Political, labor market, competitive, technological, sociological, demographic..)

What you need to Achieve  accurate understanding?

  • Facts

  • Valid Data

  • Understanding of potential opportunities, threats and trends

Achieving accurate understanding

  • Facts and data by themselves do nothing

  • Its applying those facts with other data and facts and judgment that results in effective decisions.

Execute based on the Understanding


Eliminate we did that but nothing really was achieved feeling

Planning for the "people" future


  • Who will do what in the future

  • Career planning

  • Leadership development

  • Retirement