Pilot Program Considerations

We have started up dozens of companies over the year using our Talent Assessment and Decisions Support System.  Unfortunately there is no overall regulatory body to rate these, we believe you will find there is no better alternative available.  There is however a number of top organizations who have created detailed criteria in RFP's and analyzed 40+ alternatives, the top 10 in more detail and the top 3 in incredible detail.  All the ones I've seen (and I'm pretty sure it’s the total universe of them), we have come out as the clear winner-   predictive accuracy, metric alignment with human nature,  insight provided to managers, breadth and even user experience- all tops.

We have 3 main use cases:

  1. Hiring with 2 subcases
    1. Hiring and onboarding decision support beginning with the top 2 to 5 candidates usually prior to first live interview.
    2. Recruitment Automation incorporating Eligibility, Quantitative/Cognitive Assessment and Suitability in one digital assessment to support screening and decision support  on through to onboarding.
    3. Talent Attraction & workforce retention programs- Used as a part of a program sending out Greatest Strengths reports to all applicants and emphasizing key cultural attributes (Jobflix program).
  2. Development/Coaching with several use cases - usually done in combination
    1. High Potential/Leadership program using competency, coaching and Job Success reports for coaching and developing individual development plan (and  then checking progress).
    2. Internal coaching programs or Management coaching programs where, with the latter, managers are provided training (and even certifications) in using the data to coach, reinforce and motivate progress.
    3. Use of specific competency models to support individual training and development needs.
    4. We are the only assessment available that allows for a full digital implementation of competency models (as determined by McKinsey & Company in early 2018).
  3. Engagement/Culture/Team Composition
    1. Key use cases here:
      1. Creating an overall culture screen for hiring and for metrics assessing trends to assist with culture change programs
      2. In concert with engagement/pulse "surveys", to pinpoint  causal factors and give some real benefit to the former
      3. Use of team/department level comparative reports to assess team composition and identify leverage points and weak areas.

In each of these areas, your current "use state" should be a consideration when deciding how to effectively pilot an alternative assessment system.  There are typically 3 scenarios:

  1. You are currently a systematic user of behavioral assessments (so looking for improved results and/or reduced costs)
  2. You are still using  older personality type or relationship/communication style assessments
  3. You have spotty or little use of assessments.

The easiest one to deal with is the first one; after that, more substantial pilots are recommended as they also typically lead to more effective supportive implementations.

What can you expect to see?
