By focusing on what you are trying to accomplish in the long term to develop a vision you can share, key goals and key strategies for achieve those goals, you will see the following benefits:
- When you have a honest accurate and thorough understanding of the market environment in which you operate, you have the ability to achieve great things through focus. With effectiveplanning and execution you will have the ability to sustain advantages and pursue rewarding opportunties.
- To get people on the same page greatly increasing productivity.
- To get better response to change and get a greater ability to take advantage and prosper with it.
- To enable purposeful growth - it is a necessary pre-condition.
- When people are focused and know where they are going and how they can contribute, they get a lot more done versus talking about it.
- Greater accountability so people do their part and work in unison
- You understanding is clearer so you continually make better decisions saving time, money and stress.
- When done exceptionally well, goals are achieved, resources and investments are productively deployed, success is realized
When done poorly, as it often is, people may go about their day to day business just fine, but activities such as preparing for the future, overcoming existing challenges, pursue opportunities are done in a vacuum and are mis-focused and if they exist at all. This is always costly, but often in hidden but significant ways.