Improving Business Performance through Better People

Decisions, Management and Engagement:  A Discussion

The New Coming Reality - Ready or Not!

Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are just beginning to have an impact on how organizations are managed, how talent decisions are made and how talent processes are designed, but the new reality will soon involve heavy doses of AR and VR…

If you gain an understanding of what the burgeoning AI and AR (and VR) technologies can already do and will be doing inside organizations, you'll begin to appreciate the claim that nothing has ever disrupted how organizations will be managed and how the various talent management processes will be changed.  As millions of phones begin rolling out with these capabilities over the coming months and as various tools from Apple's ARKit, Android's ARCore  and others gain wide usage, you will see a transformation in organizations. Nothing has ever disrupted Talent management and organizational development as the application of these technologies will- replacing certain functions performed by humans, augmenting others and providing new career paths.  

Virtual reality is well on its way to transforming how people are trained  by enabling the practicing of emergency procedures in healthcare, by enabling practicing of leadership scenarios in management  and by greatly improving how products are used and installed.   One Illustrative example from the WSJ in 2017.  UPDATE: Another Analysis by the WSJ (3/18)

Augmented reality with the implementation of powerful capabilities on Apple, Android and Windows machines coming ,will transform product and service support, all forms of training and a number of other areas.

Artificial intelligence is already transforming the knowledge worker processes and as more user friendly development technologies emerge, this will accelerate exponentially.

Are you moving forward with your eyes half closed or do you have people investigating how you can exploit these powerful technologies (which are getting more powerful by the week!)?


The Ultimate Management Tool, What is it?What if you could design the ultimate management tool - Would it help select / hire the best?What if you could design the Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help Engage and Motivate your People?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you retain them?The Ultimate Management Tool? Would it help you Develop them optimally?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?What would your Ultimate Management Tool consist of?If you accurately understand then you can...Execute Optimally with accurate understanding / Execute poorly with misunderstandingHATS: Perhaps, the Ultimate Management Tool

"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge