By accessing this specific research or running a study on a job you are hiring for, to fine tune the specifications, the level of understanding is increased greatly. The end result is a single number, based on research that constitutes a probability of success in that job (success = high performance). Selection decisions can be made MUCH more accurately. Just in the last couple years, leading companies such as MasterCard, Travelers, Qualcomm and hundreds of others have begun adopting this approach to select their people. Just as important, as nobody is perfect, is that it shows where the person's strengths are and where the weaknesses are. This provides a powerful tool for the person and their manager to work on what is most likely to increase performance on the job. This allows them to focus more on using their strengths to the benefit of the company and to focus on developing skills and awareness in areas where they may be relatively weak. Click on the image above for a summary discussion on JSF's.
This is yet another example of where a mix of improved technology with improved management systems can greatly increase understanding far more than most had thought possible just a decade ago. This understanding of people (employees, candidates, managers, team members…) leads to better decisions, more engagement and productivity, improved retention and to greatly improved business results.