People Selection

Creating Capability: 

We have started up dozens of companies over the year using our Talent Assessment and Decisions Support System.  Unfortunately there is no overall regulatory body to rate these, we believe you will find there is no better alternative available.  There is however a number of top organizations who have created detailed criteria in RFP's and analyzed 40+ alternatives, the top 10 in more detail and the top 3 in incredible detail.  All the ones I've seen (and I'm pretty sure it’s the total universe of them), we have come out as the clear winner-   predictive accuracy, metric alignment with human

Creating Capability: 


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If you ask a business executive, can you manage something without understanding it? Most will say, "no" or "not effectively" and many (having done this a number of times) will cite the aphorism, "you can't manage what you can't measure." Of course, understanding a situation and having metrics that inform you on it it,  quite often do not always equate. Typically metrics are a necessary but not really sufficient part of the understanding. Understanding comes from inter-relating and processing the metrics in a meaningful way- thought, discussion, etc… are usually involved.

Creating Capability: 


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Finding the perfect candidate is the desire when you have to hire a new employee.  How often does it happen? I think if you look at how most define perfect- it never happens.  It is like dating or picking a team for kickball or softball,  you have to try to find the optimal person, given what is available. 

What is the key?  Ideally, it's having the information so you can most accurately and objectively predict future performance. And inside this predictive information, in each of the imperfect candidates, its being able to understand the full package -the good, the bad and the ugly so you can make the best decision.

Creating Capability: 

Personality tests have been popular due to the importance of understanding how an employee or job candidate will behave. Since poor performance usually related to behavioral issues, measuring job behavior is essential. However, personality tests are very general, usually measuring only 5-10 personality factors which are used for every job.

Creating Capability: 

Selecting the Right Person for the Job, Task, Project, Team,  Presentation, ...

The ability to select the right person for the job, the team, the project… is a fundamental capability of highly successful organizations and leaders. Unfortunately, it is also an area that, in most organizations, is done rather poorly.  This would be more clearly understood if they looked at their level of engagement, performance, and positive retention.

Charlene Castillo's picture

Creating Capability: 


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Key to this process is the accurate and insightful data that can effectively support decision-making in each of these areas:

1. Who should we be attracting?

2. Who should we hire?

3. How can we bring them up to a level of high performance rapidly?

4. How can we create a positive mutually beneficial relationship between the employee and the company?

5. How can we manage them so that they perform at a high level and as close to optimally as possible?

6. How can we best make decisions about who should do what next and deal with the what ifs so we are prepared if we lose key people for health or other reasons.


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"The U.S. Department of Labor has estimated the costs to replace an employee to be approximately 1/3 their annual salary; but when you start looking at the impact of hiring the wrong employee and having to replace them, some studies say 2.5 times annual earnings, some 4 times and some even higher." AGILEdge