Michelle Serra's blog

Creating Capability: 

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Back in 2003, we started a new process with executive teams who had just been through debriefs on their behavioral assessments focusing on both their  leadership, interpersonal and personal effectiveness behaviors and how effective they are in initiating, motivating, implementing and maintaining in each area.  We found that even after positive even emotional experiences improving their self-awareness and better understanding their causal factors underlying their behavior,  a few weeks later,  many reverted back to previous behaviors  with little benefit.   We hypothesized that if they had to share their perceptions of others and then share their actual behavioral tendencies (assessment sc

Creating Capability: 

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Virtually every organization has a formal structure and a formal network with formal communications and systems   but each day as customers interact, projects get done, individual tasks get accomplished, it is the informal network where most of the real work gets done.  Increasingly this informal network extends out to other organizations and to customers. 

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In this month's discussion, we focus on WHY you might benefit from having an actionable understanding of your job.  Please tune in as industry expert, Alan Hoffmanner, summarizes some of the issues in this 4 minute video segment.  Let us know if you have any questions or comments as always!

Creating Capability: 

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Increasingly talent management processes and particularly talent development are being infused, if you will, with data from many sources:  external, pulse surveys, internal HRIS systems and still others.     With administrative processes, there are success stories emerging in using Machine Learning and AI.    For selection and development decision support, there are many attempts, promotions and "hype" but real results are not in evidence

Creating Capability: 

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Augmented reality allows you to create an experience that immerses a learner or decision maker with visual "information" to be more effective.   How might you augment reality to support individual hiring decisions?   Augmented Reality typically combines data,  images, sound, movies, databases, social media, and the web and expands them digitally to facilitate more effective learning and decision-making.     A key issue with a hiring type decision is bias and many of these options, if not done carefully, would actually increase bias.   What's missing from many conventional and non-conventional hiring and selection processes is the job-relevant baseline information which allows you to compa

Creating Capability: 

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Benchmarking your jobs so you can make better people decisions and understand best how to achieve high performance is not a simple task; however with some assists from technology, it is now an efficient high payback process.  Lead consultant, Alan Hoffmanner explains in the following video how best to go about this...


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